51And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.
![Spiritual ladder to heaven](http://www.church44.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/LaHaye1728Figures030GenXXVII12JacobsLadderMed-190x300.jpg)
We know that behind this 3D realm we experience each day; behind the visual, behind the physical; there are things unseen! Such things as only can be interpreted by Faith in Jesus Christ and the reading of His Word. The Spiritual things; the deeper things. The things of the spirit, Good and Evil, Angels and Demons. There are thing which cannot be understood with our brains; they cannot be processed with computers. These things are ever present in the world, hidden from site, yet more active now than ever.
Throughout our lives we each experience these things in some way or another. Many of us choose to ignore these things and by so doing deny Christ and His Word, leaving our souls to perish in sin; but others of us, those who would dare to appoach the throne of God, as beggers, dead to the ways of the world, humbled by our failures and sin, crawl with anguish to the foot of our King; where, when we arrive, we find our eyes opened and the new world of God revealed! With a deep desire to understand these hidden things we are guided through this new realm by the Holy Ghost inside us and as Children learning to walk, we begin to take hold of the higher realities of this new world, to understand those hidden things.
As we grow we find ourselves faced with many new challenges in Life. Each one seeminly more difficult and more dangerous that the last and yet we understand that according to 1 Corinthians 10:13, God will not give us more than we can handle wo with faith we progress and find ourselves here, today, thinking on these deeper things and wondering what it’s all about.
Now here we have our challenge, to go to war with Evil, as good soldiers. We cover ourselves with the armor of the Spirit of God. We grab our sword, the Word of God, and prepare for battle. The battle against sin and the devil. Under the banner of The Holy One of Israel we march toward that Celestial City, our new Jeruselam, ready and willing to defend our faith with vigilance from all evil and now entereth sin. We see this sin everywhere. In everything.
Here, As a nail sticketh fast between the joinings of the stones; so doth sin stick close between buying and selling. As the lion lieth in wait for the prey; so sin for them that work iniquity. Sin can be found hiding in the tight places, even in things that may seem to be good, actually, more probably in those things as the devil can most often be found disguised as an angel of light. Tempting those believers with this lie, that if you should put your faith in this money, or this possession then you shall find peace. If you would only sin, and trust in this image or this thing you will have protection.. This lie is most dangerous and should be avoided at all costs..
Our alternative should be found, But if you will Forgive thy neighbour the hurt that he hath done unto thee, so shall thy sins also be forgiven when thou prayest. So we understand that if you are found among those believers and accepters of Jesus Christ then you will not soon forget the truth, that God, Jehovah Jirah, is our provider and He alone will meet all of our needs if we would put our faith in Him.
Jesus Christ, our deliever, our provider, our king! Glory and Honer are yours, the world is yours, we are yours. We praise you, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are mighty and worthy to be praised. Let your will be done! Lead us not into temptation, protect us from evil. Open our eyes Lord so that we may see the sin, but if we should fall, Forgive us and teach us to forgive those who sin against us. For thine is the Kingdom, and Glory and Power! Amen!