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Finally, Rain! — No garden is complete without it

After almost 2 weeks of hard work and fun in the sun, we have rain! I’ve been waiting so long for this; it’s weird thinking about. Rain from God has come to water the plants that God gave us we we can feed our bodies which were created by God! Pretty cool to think about.

I forgot to get a photo while I was at the Garden today but I’ll try me best to explain the situation.  Basically we still don’t have enough boxes for all the plants.  We were given so many plants and they were getting sick sitting on those trays for so long so we decided to go ahead and put them in the ground.  So we have about 20 squash and cucumber plants in one bed.  I know that’s probably not the best way to go about it, but we had to get them in some soil or they were going to die.  I was hoping to have a couple more boxes built, but then we have another problem, we’re out of dirt.  I guess the best thing to do is to make a type of mound out of what dirt is left and try to grow some of the squash or cucumber off the mound.

It doesn’t look like the rabbits are getting into the food just yet, probably don’t know what it is lol, but I’m sure they will be in it soon enough if we don’t take care of this grass.  The lawn really needs to be mowed and we need people to help out so if you’re reading this and you feel like you need to get some mowing done please let me know.. It’s BYOM (bring your own mower) since right now we don’t have any.

A friendly man came out today just before the rain and offered up some advise, some of you may know him, Thomas is his name and he had quite a bit of knowledge about gardening and he even helped me plant a few plants.  It was nice having someone to talk to but I’m afraid I’m going to burn out with this too soon.  I found myself getting a little angry out there today.  It seems like no matter how much you do it’s never enough.  It seems as thought people would rather drink themselves to death than have a healthy and productive life.  I just hope I can get a grip on my frustration in dealing with the problems facing the homeless community there!

But the rain has really dampened the soil and I’m sure some of Gods good old fashion water from heaven is going to leave the beautiful plants nourished and ready go for this gorgeous weekend we’re looking forward to.  I hope to see you all out there this weekend.  Tomorrow we have Saturday service and lunch with the homeless at 11am then at 4pm dinner with a new group called “give homeless hope“, really looking forward to meeting Marcia and her crew over there tomorrow at 4pm.  Please feel free to come out and watch the garden grow.  Love you all!  🙂  Peace!