Headed to the garden

I’m in my car right now headed over to the garden to water the plants. They haven’t been watered since they were put in the ground and I’m a little bit concerned that they might not survive if I don’t get some water in there. We’re having trouble figuring out a good method for watering the plants regularly. The Fidelity Bank has offered to let us use their water, however we need a very long water hose to get to the garden and we also need a tool to open up the spicket at the bank.

I’m going to try to make quick work of watering the garden since church will be starting a little bit after 11 a.m. today. The churches actually just right across the street from the garden in the empty parking lot next to the pest control place. A local church out of Smyrna Georgia makes their way up to Marietta every Saturday morning to feed the hungry and preach the word. This wonderful Church is always on time and has wonderful food for those in need.

I think it’s just amazing that I can be driving down the road and using speech to text features on my phone just speak my blog post. I praise God for the intelligence that he has given to Mankind and the wonderful and glorious Comforts and technologies that he has allowed us to use in these last days. I am always amazed by the fact that for nearly or just over six thousand years mankind has lived in almost caveman style conditions. Until the 19 hundreds the human race had never known air conditioning or Automotive travel. We have airplanes and Sky Rise buildings. We have air conditioning. I’m just blown away by this and I am saddened that our country has well, not just our country but alright, humankind has completely taken advantage of these wonderful and glorious gifts of God. My prayer for this morning is that the people of this world will begin to appreciate the freedoms and Comforts that we have and that we will remember our Lord Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us and that we will not remove God from other countries or from our own country. We must stand and fight against tyranny and against the plague of atheism and ungodliness in America. Father god, Jehovah, our Lord and savior, grant us strength and wisdom and ability and opportunity to stand against evil in this age and the age to come. God Bless America, God bless the human race, and God bless you.