Moving Along, Slowly.. but surely..

Garden Volunteer
Gabe moving dirt at The Garden

The garden is making progress, but we still need a lot more help.  The garden isn’t going to grow itself!  We were able to get a couple of the local homeless group to come volunteer and also a couple of guys from the gym showed up to help which was really nice.  We finally got most of the wood chips separated, got into a fight with some ants and saw a baby snake!  Fun times at the garden, and it’s going to be more fun this week.

Just want to give a special shout out to Gabriel Posey, our very first Volunteer.  We really appreciate everything you did for The Garden!  You’re support is more than just the work you did, but it’s a great encouragement to me during this startup phase!  You are a strong man and we pray for your future success that God bless you in righteousness and peace all the days of your life!

One of the friends of the garden is allowing us to borrow his bobcat to finish the landscaping and prep work for the foundation.  This is one of the most time consuming parts and we don’t want to go wrong here.  Leveling out the land and making drainage is a lot more difficult that I originally thought, but it’s fun and it’s going to be a lot easier with that bobcat!

Goals for this week are to get the bobcat, finish landscaping the garden, raise the money and purchase the lumber and get started on the fence!  Please help if you can, volunteer or donate even just $1 will help.  Trust me, the community is really starting to get excited about this and the growing season is already underway.  Please got to to see what’s going on and pledge your support!

God bless you all,

John 15:5 – I am the vine, ye [are] the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.