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with Gabe and Christian

Plants in the ground at the Garden!!!

Well, after a very long day I can happily say we have Plants in the Ground!!!

This is a very exciting moment for the Church44.  After weeks of planning, buying, cutting, organizing and discussing, Church44 put it’s first few plants in dirt today, and to top it of God blessed the Garden with a light mist just a few minutes after we finished.  Praise God, I love you Jesus!  Your mercy endures forever.  It’s times like these when my eyes tear up and I get that wonderfully peaceful feeling over my body knowing that God is in control and I’m following the path He has set for me!

Shout out to Cindy Carlson for getting a few buckets for water and actually planting the very first plants in the ground!  She has been a great blessing and came out to the Garden today in her work clothes and filled 2 boxes with plants!  Shoutout to Gabe and Christian who also came out after Church tonight and helped to plant another 3 boxes with Gods wonderful vegetables.  We were blessed by God’s Garden with some Cauliflower, Arugula, Lettuce, Spinach and something else I can’t remember the name of.  We will do our best to make sure these plants grow and are carefully tended!