The Tabernacle and our Bodies

September 4th 2015

Beginning @ Exodus 26

by: Daniel Carlson

It’s been almost a year since I last wrote in the Morning Watch. I can’t believe how easily it is to get distracted and fall away from serving the Lord. The world has so many ways of distracting us and we are so weak. My prayer this morning is that we will have strength to overcome the temptations of the world and rather use our time wisely, studying the scriptures and growing closer to our Father in heaven. This is the acceptable time. Now is the time to give up our earthly desires and start doing The Lords work.

Exodus 26, it’s been quite some time since I last opened up the bible this early in the morning, probably about a month, so I don’t exactly remember what was going on before Exodus 26, but basically the people of Israel have escaped Pharaoh and are in the wilderness. God is giving them instructions on how to live their lives as free men. They are being instructed in chapter 26 how to build The Tabernacle.

I’ve met few people who have actually red the Bible all the way from cover to cover. For most, this is an overwhelming idea; one which they are unwilling to overtake. But the few who have read it often say, in regards to the first few books in the old testament, they just read through them as quickly as possible. The first time I read through the bible I did the same thing. I was simply on a mission to read the whole bible and so I read as quickly as possible. Now this was a wonderful thing, reading the bible no matter what speed is a remarkable and exciting thing to do. But this time it’s a little different. Sometimes it takes me days to get through a single page… today is one of those times.

I’m trying to meditate on the instructions given for the building of the tabernacle. The Bible tells us that our bodies are the temple of God and so it occurs to me that in order to understand how we should keep our bodies, we need to understand how God designed his first Tabernacle. This is proving to be a difficult task.

So, first there is the Ark, then the Table, and finally the candlestick. Then the Tabernacle to put them in. So here we begin with the creation of the Tabernacle, in Chapter 26 of Exodus. But here we are again, out of time. I’ll pick this back up tomorrow. For now, dwell on the Tabernacle, the way it was built and how it is related to our physical bodies on earth.. Praise God!