The other day we got three more boards and with that we were able to get three more beds, but we still have left over plants. It’s so wonderful how the Lord is blessing this Garden. We’re trying to get the squash planted but they take up so much room. We have the vining type and the bushing type and they get too big for our boxes. The next three boxes should finish it up for us.
We’re also working on some t-shirts, so if you’ve waited to donate becasue you wanted a shirt then keep your eyes posted on the blog for updates. We should have the shirts ready by next week sometime.. We’re also making some starter kits for growing your own plants. If you have any old pots laying around we would love to have them!
Prayer for today, Lord, thank you for all the wonderful things you’re doing for us and for the Garden. We will do the best we can to care for and honor your gift of life you’ve given us in this garden.