Good day everyone! I am here introducing the newest feature to the blog, Time Travel Tuesday, with its writer, new comer to both the community garden and blog, Jazzy Mania! (That’s me!) I cannot begin to express just how thankful I am for this chance to do work for my community, while at the same time exercising my writing and creative gifts. Now, more about this blogs newest feature!
Time Travel Tuesdays is a feature that will, hopefully, be updated biweekly. It will feature a plant from the garden and its various uses and mentions throughout history, and maybe a few recipes, if I can find any from throughout history. Maybe you readers could ask your elderly family members and comment some recipes for the various plants currently growing in the garden.
Now, so far the plants growing in the garden are as following: Marigold, four different types of Squash, Two types of Eggplant, Cucumbers, Four different types of Tomatoes, Kohlrabi, Arugula, Swiss Shard, Kale, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Red Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Sweet Peppers! I hope that I will be able to continue to write articles over the years that we grow plants in the garden and that we will get to know each other better!
May the lord guide our paths and may you all have a good week!